After about a six-year break betwteen the end of Something More Beautiful, Gainax has, for some reason, released another Mahoromatic OVA, titled Mahoromatic: Tadaima Okaeri. The episodes aired in the middle part of October, which were during my midterm weeks and thus explaining how/why I’ve not heard of it and had to wait until now to watch it.
This post contain spoilers as well as being slightly NSFW, you’ve been warned.
I’m not sure how many people have watched the entire series. I’ve stopped near the end of season 1 because, well, the story in itself is rather tragic. From the title, I thought it’d be something that’s not reflecting on the theme (aside from the irony revolving H-contents), and I really had high hopes for it. Anyway, here’s the opening (I’m not going to put up the ED because I don’t particularly fancy the Triomatic’s singing)
The story takes part sometime in the early middle part of Season 2, seeing as season 2 introduced Minawa. The OVA is more like an insertion of a two episode long story, and it does seem to have an explosive start, well…See for yourself…
The morning wake-up call
Just wondering, who here eats their eggs with ketchup? I've seen a lot of people do this but I don't really like the taste
Ultimately the story revolves around the Triomatic starting a meido cafe to celebrate their town’s 120 anniversary. However, in the midde of preparation, an unexpected on Minawa occured and was thwarted by Mahoro. That pretty much sums it all up (it’s only two episodes long after all).
While I’m not really so much of a prick for graphics, you can pretty much tell that the animations are a lot smoother and cleaner than the original series (even though I liked the original as well).
Oh, Mahoro gets a new outfit (it’s the best screenshot I can get, click here for a better picture). Personally, I think it’s AWESOME (FIGURE PLX)
I think it’s a reference to something (probably just me because aside from the style they really don’t look much alike, I’ll let you be the judge).
Tachikoma rejects are probably very cheap on the market for every villain these days to use
[caption id="attachment_4348" align="aligncenter" width="468" caption="Resemblence to Eva is probably due to the fact that Gainax also made Evangelion"]The fight itself isn’t the focus of the series, unfortunately I would have known about that the first time had I finished the series. Yeah, you could probably already tell that the fight is kind of cheesy (somewhat justified by the point that Mahoro is overpowered). It might have been thrown in for the sake of, well, an element of the series (since Mahoro is a decommissioned combat android after all). The other reason might have been for a rather weak plot point in season 2, although unfortunately I haven’t seen it.
As with the original series, there’s a lot of fan service elements. I’m not really THAT picky about these kind of stuff (esp since it’s been so long since I’ve heard Ayako-sama’s sweet voice :3), but…it’s not the kind of stuff you’d want to show to the public >_<
Although, the ensuring carnage is often hilarious
Overall, it’s a light mooded OVA. It has been a while since the series ended off, so all in all this OVA includes a bit of everything. The ever present-yet-impossible-to-reach romance theme included.This is what I get for having a weak mind *minor nosebleed*
I would have actually enjoyed the whole thing if it weren’t for the damned ending…
We already know that the entire story in itself is a tragedy, and of all things I was hoping it wouldn’t be repeating those elements from the original series. Unfortunately, as if reinforcing that it isn’t something just thrown together for the sake of …They just had to add in the inevitable “sudden death counter” thing. It’s the whole reason why I dropped the series in the first place (though I will commit myself to finishing it sometime in 2010).
All in all, I really did enjoy the whole thing. It’s a good laugh (yes Mahoro did say “Ecchi na no wa ikenai to omoimasu” in the OVA), and a bit of health care to boot. It’s different from watching the series because, even though the counter is ticking, the inevitable ending won’t actually come in the end of this OVA (I actually did skip ~30 episodes right to the ending, so I know what it’s about). Folks who are more sensitive to these fan service elements may say otherwise (and yes, those people exist), but otherwise, it’s a pretty good way to spend ~40 mins (provided nothing of dire importance is being neglected).
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