Heartbreaking anime movie set near the end of World War 2. Brother and sister – 11 year old Seita and 4 year old Setsuko lose their mother during the firebombing of Kobe by the Americans. Their father is fighting in the war so their only family, a distant aunt who lives in the country is given the responsibility of caring for them. This she does begrudgingly. She grows increasingly hateful of the pair. When both outstay their welcome at her house, they decide that it’s best to try and survive on their own on the outside with their base being an abandoned bomb shelter. Life there is harsh. Food is hard to come by and with no money in his pocket he has to try and steal some food. With his little sister getting weaker and weaker by the day, Setsuko tries his best as a big brother to gee her up saying that father will be back home soon. Can they break away from their desperate situation and find a brighter future?
A powerful evocative animated anti-war movie that will stay in your memory for a long time. Definitely one of my favourites but your emotions will be torn to shreds afterwards. I defy anybody not to cry during this movie. Very depressing with no happy ending. I urge viewers to watch a comedy or something uplifting afterwards to break the dark mood you’ll encounter having seen this movie.
Sadako’s Rating: 5 out of 5.
[Via http://asianflixs.wordpress.com]
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