Thursday, March 4, 2010

*rants* It's Out~! *doki doki mode*

>O<  – I’m gonna proclaim this to the world! Motto Gakuensai no Oujisama is out~! )

I was so surprised when I found it on Romulation. >_< I didn’t even expect it. =D This is one heck of a birthday gift…and just when I was getting frustrated why I didn’t receive much birthday gifts AND Christmas gifts…let along Valentines gifts. =_= Fine, I’ll give up. The world is unfair. You just have to give and give, but you’ll NEVER get anything in return.

I’m just going to unleash my frustrations in this blog. =_= MY MOM IS A BIG IDIOT.

She bought my brothers over Php 2000 in gifts while I only got a Php 700 blouse from my dad, an MP3 from my godfather, Php 500 from my aunt and some clothes. =_= Not fair. My brothers got those cool toys. =_= Eff life. I wanted books. I wanted anime DVDs. =_= Worst of all, I think my dad’s missed giving me over Php 2000 worth of allowance, and that doesn’t even cover the amount that I’ve spent on providing for my school materials. BECAUSE MY MOM’S TOO FRICKIN’ LAZY TO THINK OF SUPPORTING ME. Heck, she doesn’t even want to drive to SM after school because she’s too tried. =_= And what has she been doing? Playing Plants vs. Zombies and Bookworm Adventures. -_-

Life is stupid, life’s unfair. It’s totally her fault I was late this morning. =_= Screw this. I was already freakin’ ready by 7:20. Then she just had to waste time by getting ready. =_= Time I arrived at school? 7:29. The door was effing open when I arrived in the campus, and my notebook was only delayed in entering the classroom by a few seconds!! =_= But then I just had to be declared late after being delayed by my mom who had to park the car just so she could buy my brother more books — both of them totaling Php 700. =_= That’s more than what I spent for my Spanish self-study paraphernalia WHICH I TOTALLY bought with my birthday money. =_= Life sucks.

So yeah, my teacher just HAD to say that points would be given to those who were early — completely counting me out! This is so not fair! It’s a freaking bias, it’s favoritism! You know what? School’s not so interesting anymore that it doesn’t make me want to even attend nor even wake up in the mornings. =_= But since it’s almost the end of this crapped-out school year, I guess I’ll just have to live through this mess. THIS SO NOT FREAKING FAIR. This is INJUSTICE. And to think we discussed this in CH. -_-

*huff* *huff*

=_= That just pretty much spoiled my good mood. =_=

Speaking of which, I also got my mood spoiled from completing a page of a short comic of mine right after English period. -_- Stupid people, I was only freaking late for like two or so minutes. It was barely 7:35! And then I was late! Frick. You know why? Because my overweight green bag sort of collapsed on me when I was running up the ramp in order not to be late. Eff it. So, my things fell on the mezzanine landing, and I had to stop to pick them up. That cost me several valuable seconds! And I was late! Gosh, I hate this day. -_-


So yeah, my main point here is that the release of Gakuensai no Oujisama for DS today is such a damn big deal for me. =_= I’m depressed because I can’t even get the books I want for my birthday. I haven’t been even given my allowance for weeks, and worse — I still have to get all my requirements finished.

I was hoping that by the time I’d have finished this post, my download would’ve been finished, but alas, Fate always has to go contrary to what I think. -_- Fate sucks, I suck.

So, *tries to get rid of morbid thoughts*. Ahem. >_<

Episode 51 of Hetalia has been subbed. x3 And it feature some sweet Japan-America fluff. To think that we discussed America today as well — in a totally negative aspect. But well, whatever. The dollar remittances are helping our economy, I guess.

So, that concludes my post. No fancy drawings or anything (though I’d upload my comic if only I wasn’t disheartened then during English time and then made busy by the debate. The true answer of course was that science and religion are indeed related! xD)

One thing that’s been bothering me though. -_- Is that if anything of Mm’s falls on the floor, it’s immediately declared to be mine. xP Seriously, people lack the common sense to see that I DO NOT read Violin notes, and that they must have been blind to not have noticed the words ‘MM’s Copy’ on that sheet of paper. xP Screw it. I’m just going to ignore this this time, but yeah, whatever.

PS: The total number of downloads for Motto Gakuensai no Oujisama has reached 666. Just felt like saying it. xD


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