Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Anime animes and manga watch anime online Gurren Lagan Overview

Gurren Lagann originally aired in Japan as a Japanese animated show which showed only 27 episodes. The event takes place inside the future where as citizens are obligated to live in isolation underground. The citizens have no connection with the outside world and because of the constant earthquakes they are required to dig further into the earth, individuals assigned to the provision of digging are called “Diggers”. The boy named Simon whom parents were smashed to bits during a earthquake is known by the other residents as the greatest of the diggers, however not many people seem to take a liking to him. Simon, after seeing an orphan referred to as Kamina, who’s dreams and goal is to return to the surface where he onced was pulled into his group “Team Gurren”.The village elder whom found out about this had Kamina locked up. Simon will soon discover the key to effectively smash through the surface.

As the Lagann entourage smashes through to the surface they are met by enemies and friends as they stay determined on their path.

There is a video game out there. Also a number of novels based on the manga. The film, named Gurren Lagann: Childhood’s End is now out on DVD. In short this anime is a anime that is filled with a lot of action drama and is very epic, which is why I highly recommend this anime. As for the video games, they too are also epic and highly addictive. The novels also carry some things that are not mentioned in the anime, which is why I also recommend that you read the novels and the anime at the same time or you could just read the novel before anime or the anime before the novel.






[Via http://animevumbu.wordpress.com]

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